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Manga Classics at New Orleans ALA ANNUAL Conference & Exhibition

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Manga Classics at New Orleans ALA Annual Conference & Exhibition
Manga Classics at New Orleans ALA Annual Conference & Exhibition

Join us at ALA Summer meeting! We offer special welcome-to-the-wonderful-world-of-classics discount at our booth (#448)

Buy one book for only 10 bucks (list price 17.99) or Buy 3 for 20!

Special swag throughout the show: Posters and Bookmarks!


We will also be participating in the following events! Please come meet us there!

The Art of Manga Adaptation of Classic Literature

The art of adapting classic literature into the manga, or Japanese comic format can be a daunting task as there are many aspects to consider. What are the hazards of putting the works of Austen, Twain, or Shakespeare into fully illustrated works? Do you change the words to reflect the original meanings in modern time? How important are elements such as costume, architecture, and character design? With the right art, and the best research they mean everything to the quality of a book. In this panel we will talk about the behind-the-scenes discussions, challenges and research that helps us find the right tone for each and every one of our Manga Classic titles. We will even reveal sneak preview art from our new fall titles and possibly, work for books in Spring of 2019!

Speakers: John Shableski, Kat Kan and Michael Gianfrancesco

Venue: Room 345, Morial Convention Center New Orleans

Time: 9 am - 10 am / Sat Jun 23, 2018


Manga Classics Sponsors ALA Will Eisner Graphic Novel Grants Reception

Manga Classics is one of 5 select sponsors of this TED Talks-style reception that is a gathering of all the key librarians in the graphic novel world.

Venue: USA Chart Room A/B, Hilton New Orleans Riverside

Time: 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm / Sat Jun 23, 2018


Will Eisner Presents How Librarians Have Changed the Value of the Eisner Awards

Venue: Room 345, Morial Convention Center New Orleans

Time: 9 am - 10 am / Sat Jun 24, 2018



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